Jakovlev Sergej Mikhajlovich (RU),Яковлев Сергей Михайлович (RU),Karimov Il'shat Il'gizovich (RU),Каримов Ильшат Ильгизович (RU),JAKOVLEV SERGEJ MIKHAJLOVICH,Яковлев Сергей Михайлович,KARIMOV ILSHAT ILGIZOVICH,Каримов Ильшат Ильгизович
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: method comprises growing plants in the optimisation biotechnological full-scale model with its placement in the greenhouse with plants of the same culture and breed. At that the terms of planting crops in the greenhouse are shifted by a time interval relating to the terms of planting crops in the optimisation biotechnological full-scale model, depending on the culture and breed of plants, consisting not more than 10% of the ripening period. The crop development process in the greenhouse is monitored by a productive biotechnological full-scale model with terms of planting crops similar to the terms of planting in the greenhouse. The crops in the greenhouse, the optimisation and productive biotechnological full-scale models are provided with a system of microclimate, irrigation and mineral nutrition of plants, common for all areas of the greenhouse, and equal conditions are provided on natural solar insolation all three areas. Areas of the main crop of the greenhouse and the productive biotechnological full-scale model are irradiated from the common system of irradiation, and the area of the optimisation biotechnological full-scale model - from the local system of irradiation. The parameters of microclimate, irrigation and mineral nutrition of plants are taken as non-optimised, and the parameters of irradiation of plants - as optimised. The optimisation of control actions for plants in the optimisation biotechnological full-scale model is carried out with the formation of an optimised program of development of plants, which is transferred with the time shift to the greenhouse crop, and the productive biotechnological full-scale model. The system comprises a greenhouse with plants of one crop and breed, optimisation biotechnological full-scale model, the means of measuring the physiological processes of plants in the optimisation biotechnological full-scale model, the means of measuring the parameters of irradiation of plants in the optimi