The body tissue (16) incision and/or the high frequency operation device which generates the high frequency voltage in order to make transpire (2) the clearing solvent (18) in, the aforementioned clearing solvent (18) to be the clearing solvent of conductivity especially, the aforementioned high frequency operation device (2) to be joint possible in the electric operation vessel (3), while operating two output contacts which make high frequency voltage cause between mutual (11) with, the output contact of aforementioned two (11) we to be jointed electrically, while operating the parallel resonance circuit which generates high frequency voltage (12) with possess, aforementionedAs for high frequency voltage, the aforementioned clearing solvent (18) in the aforementioned electric operation vessel (3) the electric arc (17) the ignition in order to be able to point, it is adjusted. Heating the clearing solvent is held down smaller, the early incision property which is implemented by the electric operation device is improved, in the clearing solvent because the electric operation device in order to use is implemented, with this invention, the voltage limiter is installed with the aforementioned parallel resonance circuit and the aforementioned output contact.洗浄液(18)中において生体組織(16)を切開および/または蒸散させるための高周波電圧を生成する高周波手術装置(2)であって、前記洗浄液(18)はとりわけ導電性の洗浄液であり、前記高周波手術装置(2)は、電気手術器(3)に接続可能であり、動作中に相互間に高周波電圧を生じさせる2つの出力コンタクト(11)と、前記2つの出力コンタクト(11)に電気的に接続されており、動作中に高周波電圧を発生させる並列共振回路(12)とを有し、前記高周波電圧は、前記洗浄液(18)中において前記電気手術器(3)に電気アーク(17)を点弧させるように調整される。洗浄液の加熱をより小さく抑え、電気手術装置によって実現される初期の切開特性を改善する、洗浄液中にて使用するための電気手術装置を実現するために、本発明では、前記並列共振回路と前記出力コンタクトとの間に電圧リミッタが設置される。