Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Yuzhno-Uralskij gosudarstvennyj universitet (natsionalnyj issledovatelskij universitet)" FGAOU VO "YUUrGU (NIU)
Dragan Sergej Pavlovich (RU),Драган Сергей Павлович (RU),Bogomolov Aleksej Valerevich (RU),Богомолов Алексей Валерьевич (RU),Kukushkin Yurij Aleksandrovich (RU),Кукушкин Юрий Александрович (RU),Zamysh
FIELD: measurement technology.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to methods of assessing human life safety, namely to methods for evaluating acoustic safety of human vital activity. Method of evaluating acoustic safety in a high-frequency range involves determining, based on the results of measuring acoustic environment parameters: Δ1 is difference between actual and maximum allowable value of equivalent sound level A per working shift, Δ2 is difference between actual and maximum permissible value of maximum level of sound A, measured with time correction "slowly" equal to 1 s, Δ3 – difference between actual and maximum allowable value of maximum level of sound A, measured with time correction "pulse", equal to 40 ms, Δ4 is difference between actual and maximum allowable value of peak sound level corrected on scale "C", Δ5 is difference between actual and maximum allowable value of sound pressure level in octave frequency band of 1,000 Hz, Δ6 is difference between actual and maximum allowable value of sound pressure level in octave frequency band of 2,000 Hz, Δ7 is difference between actual and maximum allowable value of sound pressure level in octave frequency band 4,000 Hz, Δ8 is the difference between the actual and maximum allowable sound pressure level in the octave frequency band of 8,000 Hz, based on which values the acoustic safety factor is calculated, and by value k, human acoustic safety in high-frequency range is evaluated as unsatisfactory if k<;5; satisfactory if 5≤k<;15; good if 15≤k<;25 or excellent if k≥25.EFFECT: use of the invention makes it possible to provide for the possibility of evaluating the acoustic safety of human vital activity conditions in the high-frequency range on the basis of determining objective estimates of informative indicators.1 cl, 1 tblИзобретение относится к способам оценивания безопасности жизнедеятельности человека, а именно - к способам оценивания акустической безопасности условий жизнедеятельности человека. Способ оцен