A foot correction service system comprises a correction seat, a pressure sensing unit, a processing unit, and a monitor and control unit. The pressure sensing unit is disposed on the outer surface of the correction seat, and can generate a pressure sensing signal when a user steps on the correction seat. The processing unit is disposed inside the correction seat, and comprises a data processing module that can calculate and process the pressure sensing signal to generate a pressure value and a wireless communication module that can send out the pressure value in a wireless communication way. As such, the pressure value can be transmitted to the outside world through the wireless communication module for later use.一種足部矯正服務系統包含:一矯正座、一壓力感測單元、一處理單元,以及一監控單元。該壓力感測單元設置在該矯正座的外表面上,且可在一使用者踩踏該矯正座時產生一壓力感測訊號。該處理單元設置在該矯正座內,並包括一可計算及處理該壓力感測訊號而產生一壓力值的資料處理模組,以及一可將該壓力值以無線通訊的方式傳送出去的無線通訊模組。藉此,該壓力值可經由該無線通訊模組傳送至外界,以供後續的利用。2‧‧‧矯正座21‧‧‧矯正面22‧‧‧安裝面5‧‧‧監控單元6‧‧‧遠端服務單元