This creation is related to a "long-acting ice pack", which contains not only gelatin and ice holding materials, but also more insulation particles. Therefore, the heat insulation material can be used to block the internal and external temperature transmission of some ice packs, effectively reduce the area and efficiency of internal and external temperature transmission, in addition to effectively prolonging the ice preservation time of ice packs and meeting the use demand of long-term ice or ice preservation, it can also provide the most comfortable ice temperature of human body, and avoid the trouble of wrapping with towel.本創作係有關於一種「長效型適溫冰敷袋」,該冰敷袋本體中除了容置有凝膠、保冰物質外,特別是更增加有隔熱料粒。藉此,該隔熱料粒能用以阻斷部份冰敷袋內部與外界的溫度傳輸作用,有效減少溫度內外傳輸之面積與效率,除了能使冰敷袋保冰的時間有效延長、滿足長時間冰敷或保冰之使用需求外,更能提供最舒適之人體冰敷溫度,免除需以毛巾裹覆之困擾。