A grip accessory 300 for a manual injection device. Grip-accessory 300 comprises a hollow bodied housing 310 for supporting a manual injection device. Housing 310 comprises an intermediate portion 340 extending between a distal portion 320 and a proximal portion 320. Distal portion 330 has a first opening 335 into which a manual injection device is insertable. Proximal portion 320 comprises: a second opening 360 through which a needle of the manual injection device is extendable; and a skin contacting surface 367 at a proximal end of the accessory 300. Grip accessory 300 may comprise a proximally located flange 365 extending from the housing 310 to at least partially surround the second opening 360 an so providing the skin contacting surface 367. Grip accessory 300 may comprise a manual injection device supported within the hollow bodied housing 310, so that a proximal tip of a needle of the manual injection device extends a pre-determined distance D1 beyond a plane P defined by the skin contacting surface 367. Distance D1 may be greater than a second distance D2 that is the shortest distance in the plane P between a manual injection device needle and an outer edge of the flange 365.