This Xin Xing Department Ti Gong mono- Seed have Electricity Hot Installed Zhi Ring Bao Green Neng Nursing tool Qi Department You Nursing Ju this Body, Inner Lining of ,, Electricity Hot structures, the sources Electricity for Should Qi Suo Group atThe Inner Biao Mian An Installed You Inner Lining of The Nursing Ju this Body what constraints enable The Inner Lining With Nursing Ju this Body Inner Biao Mian Inter be formed with Yi Group Installed Kong InterThe Electricity Hot pieces of Chao Guide Body Electricity Hot Ban, Complex Number Ge An Installed what Electricity Hot plates of Electricity Hot Knot Agencies The Ju You mono- Let Yu Group Installed Kong Inter Inner, each Electricity Hot pieces of energy Right provide the sources the Electricity Line of Electricity power, until the sources what Electricity Line Zi You Duan The Let have mono- Jie HeadThe sources Electricity are for this Body of Should Qi Department Group Let Yu Nursing Ju, the sources The Electricity for Should devices have one can Jin rows fill Electricity or put Electricity Lithium store the ponds Electricity, one can Right The Lithium store the ponds Electricity Jin rows and fill Electricity or put and the 2nd of Electricity meet Head, one can control Lithium and store the ponds Electricity whether Right the 2nd meets the Open Off that Head puts Electricity, described second, which meets Head Department, can provide the first and meet Head Group and connect, to enable the sources The Electricity to provide Electricity Hot piece Electricity power for Should devices.本新型係提供一種具有電熱裝置之環保綠能護具,其係由護具本體、內襯、電熱結構、電源供應器所組成;該護具本體於束缚之內表面安裝有內襯,令該內襯與護具本體內表面之間形成有一組裝空間;電熱結構則具有一設於組裝空間內之超導體電熱板、複數個安裝於電熱板之電熱片、一能對各電熱片提供電力之電源線,至於電源線自由端則設有第一接頭;電源供應器係組設於護具本體,該電源供應器具有一可進行充電或放電之鋰蓄電池、一能對該鋰蓄電池進行充電或放電之第二接頭、一能控制鋰蓄電池是否對第二接頭放電之開關,所述第二接頭係能提供第一接頭組接,用以使該電源供應器能提供電熱片電力。