1. A method for the user of the early warning of hypoglycemia, comprising the following steps: i) receiving physiological tremor signal from the portable transmitter worn by the user ii) signal analysis physiological tremor during a first period of time to determine the power of said signal tremor and iii) forming a warning based only on detecting a change in the physiological tremor signal indicating the start of hypoglycemia in the user, with the beginning of hypoglycemia corresponds glucose drop in blood and (BGL) is below 5 mmol / l, and the detected change in physiological tremor signal represents an increase power signal tremor at least 50% relative to the reference znacheniya.2. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein said sensor comprises a portable akselerometr.3. A method according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein said reference value is a predetermined base uroven.4. A method according to claim. 3, wherein said predetermined base level set in advance for the user based on kalibrovki.5 procedure. A method according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein said reference value is a dynamic threshold defined based on the analysis of physiological tremor signal during a second time period preceding the first period vremeni.6. . A method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said step of analyzing physiological tremor signal during a first time period comprises: filtering said pay-offs signal, calculating the power spectrum of said signal at timings of said first time period for measuring power changes and Detection results of measurement results mo1. Способ предупреждения пользователя о начале гипогликемии, включающий следующие шаги:i) прием сигнала физиологического тремора от портативного датчика, носимого пользователемii) анализ сигнала физиологического тремора в течение первого периода времени для определения мощности упомянутого сигнала тремора иiii) формирование предупреждения только на основе обнаружения изменения сигнала физиологического тремора, указывающего на начало гипогли