The vehicle has a central wheel drive, and a seat device (19) arranged on a chassis (11). The chassis has a front part (21) and a rear part (23), which are connected to each other in an articulated manner by a joint (25). Front wheels (15) are separately drivable from each other by a motor (27). A drive unit (37) e.g. linear motor, adjusts the front part of the chassis with respect to the rear part to bring central wheels (13) in outside ground contact and the front wheels in ground contact. The central wheels are arranged at an arm (29), and the front wheels are arranged at another arm (31).一種車子,例如一豎立輪椅(11),有一底盤(11)及一設在底盤上的座位裝置(19)。在底盤(11)各側上,該可用馬達(27)驅動的中輪(13)及前輪(15)經一無鏈條(45)呈作用連接。底盤(11)有一前部(21)及一後部(23),二部分利用一關節(25)互相樞接。在坐位置時,前輪(15)不觸地,因此它們不會妨礙該車子在狹小空間原地打轉。在站立位置時,前輪(15)觸地,但中輪(13)則否,因此站立的使用者可隨車子繞自身的軸轉動,而不會使中輪(13)有妨礙的作用。(圖5)(11)‧‧‧底盤(13)‧‧‧中輪(15)‧‧‧前輪(17)‧‧‧後輪(19)‧‧‧座位裝置(21)‧‧‧前部(23)‧‧‧後部(25)‧‧‧關節(27)‧‧‧馬達(29)‧‧‧臂(31)‧‧‧臂(35)‧‧‧止擋部(37)‧‧‧拉桿(43)‧‧‧輔助輪(45)‧‧‧無端鏈條