A method of detecting a suicide terrorist, comprises: (A) selecting a test subject (B) installing a testing device that can detect real-time variations in cerebral blood flows at a first tested area and second tested area of the subject, wherein the first tested area corresponds to a suicide intent area of a cortex, and the second tested area corresponds to a negative response area of the cortex (C) using the testing device to detect cortex activity information related to the cerebral blood flow variations of the first tested area within a predetermined time (D) comparing the cortex activity information with a control group associated with normal individuals to obtain a result (E) according to the result of step (D), determining whether the subject has suicide intent (F)asking whether the subject is a terrorist (G) using the testing device to detect a cortex activity information related to the cerebral blood flow variations of the second tested area within a predetermined time to obtain a result and (H) according to the result of step (G), determining whether the subject is a terrorist. This method can be advantageously employed at various security check sites, such as airports, train stations, or any other sites susceptible of terrorist attacks.