compound, pharmaceutical composition, and method for treatment or prophylaxis of HIV infection or for treatment, prophylaxis, or delay in the onset of AIDS
Carmela Molinaro,Catherine M. Wiscount,Christian Beaulieu,Christian Nadeau,Christopher J. Bungard,Daniel Mckay,David J. Bennett,Jesse J. Manikowski,John A. McCauley,Kate Holloway,Li Hao,Oscar Miguel M
1/1 summary “compound, pharmaceutical composition, and method for treatment or prophylaxis of HIV infection or for treatment, prophylaxis, or delay in the onset of AIDS” compounds covered by the formula i (6) include compounds that are hiv protease inhibitors and other compounds that can be metabolized in vivo to hiv protease inhibitors. The pharmaceutically acceptable compounds and salts thereof are useful for prophylaxis or treatment of HIV infection and prophylaxis, treatment, or delay in the onset of AIDS. The compounds and their salts may be used as ingredients in pharmaceutical compositions, optionally in combination with other antiviral agents, immunomodulators, antibiotics or vaccines.1 / 1 resumo “composto, composiã‡ãƒo farmacãšutica, e, mã‰todo para tratamento ou profilaxia de infecã‡ãƒo por hiv ou para tratamento, profilaxia, ou atraso no inã�cio de aidsâ€� os compostos abrangidos pela fã³rmula i, o 6 6a v r r h n 1 z n y x h 2 4 y y o 3 y (i), incluem compostos que sã£o inibidores de protease de hiv e outros compostos que podem ser metabolizados in vivo para inibidores de protease de hiv. os compostos e sais farmaceuticamente aceitã¡veis dos mesmos sã£o ãºteis para profilaxia ou tratamento de infecã§ã£o por hiv e profilaxia, tratamento, ou atraso no inãcio de aids. os compostos e seus sais podem ser utilizados como ingredientes em composiã§ãµes farmacãªuticas, opcionalmente em combinaã§ã£o com outros agentes antivirais, imunomoduladores, antibiã³ticos ou vacinas.