The invention relates to a method for producing zincate crystals from a least one element other than zinc (Zn), marked "A", independently selected from a metal, a metalloid or a lanthanide, with the exception of zincate crystals that only comprise calcium (Ca) as element A, said method comprising at least the following steps: suspending different starting reactants comprising at least a source of the zinc element with a degree of oxidation +2 and a source of said A element(s) with a degree of oxidation from 1 to 6, in a liquid medium, so as to form a suspension called "starting suspension" grinding said starting suspension at an ambient temperature lower than or equal to 50°C, in a three-dimensional microbead grinder in a liquid medium during a residence time of 15 min or less recovering, at the outlet of said three-dimensional microbead grinder, a suspension called "end suspension" comprising said starting reactants in the activated form or zincate crystals of said A element(s), which are generally in a hydrated form and if necessary, the calcination of said end suspension when it comprises said starting reactants in the activated form so as to obtain generally non-hydrated zincate crystals of said A element(s).La présente invention a pour objet un procédé de fabrication de cristaux de zincate dun ou plusieurs élément(s) autre(s) que le zinc (Zn), noté(s) «A» indépendamment choisis parmi un métal, un métalloïde ou un lanthanide, à lexception des cristaux de zincate ne comprenant comme élément A que le calcium (Ca), ledit procédé comprenant au moins les étapes suivantes: - la mise en suspension de réactifs de départ distincts comprenant au moins: une source de lélément zinc qui présente un degré doxydation +2 et une source dudit ou desdits éléments A qui présente un degré doxydation allant de 1 à 6, dans un milieu liquide, de sorte à former une suspension appelée «suspension de départ», - le broyage de ladite suspension de départ à une température ambiante inférieur