Государственное бюджетное учреждение города Москвы "Городская клиническая урологическая больница №47 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы" (RU)
Максимов Виктор Алексеевич (RU),Сивков Андрей Владимирович (RU),Яровой Сергей Константинович (RU),Хромов Роман Александрович (RU),Прохоров Алексей Валерьевич (RU)
Methods of selection and sequence of surgical interventions in the provision of emergency urological care to patients Venous form priapism, wherein the time frame of the patient entering the urological hospital since the onset of the disease and its etiology, consisting: in sequential application of puncture of the corpora cavernosa, spongiokavernoznogo shunt (anastomosis) safenokavernoznogo shunt ( anastomosis) for priapism on a background of nervous and hematopoietic systems, alcohol and drug intoxication intrakavern -religious administration of vasoactive agents, as well as in idiopathic priapism on admission of the patient in urological hospital within the first days after onset of the disease, in a sequential application of puncture of the corpora cavernosa, spongiokavernoznogo shunt (anastomosis) safenokavernoznogo shunt (anastomosis) for priapism amid nervous diseases and hematopoietic systems, intracavernous injection of vasoactive drugs, the non-execution clinically ineffective and uneconomic puncture those cavernous when priapism amid alcohol and drug intoxication as well as in idiopathic priapism on admission of the patient in urological hospital for the second and third day after onset of the disease, in a sequential application spongiokavernoznogo shunt (anastomosis) safenokavernoznogo shunt (anastomosis) for priapism amid nervous diseases and hematopoietic systems, intracavernous injection of vasoactive drugs and starting the application safenokavernoznogo shunt (anastomosis) for priapism amid alcohol and drugМетодика выбора и последовательность оперативных вмешательств при оказании экстренной урологической помощи больным венозной формой приапизма, отличающаяся учетом сроков поступления пациента в урологический стационар с момента манифестации заболевания и его этиологии, заключающаяся:в последовательном применении пункции кавернозных тел, спонгиокавернозного шунта (анастомоза), сафенокавернозного шунта (анастомоза) при приапизме на фоне заболеваний не