1. A medical device or implant having an anti-infective surface, a surface comprising a functionalizing layer applied to it, and an anti-infective agent applied to the functionalizing layer, a functionalizing layer comprising at least one particle or functional group that facilitates the attachment of an anti-infective agent to it, and at least one particle or functional group that facilitates the attachment of the functionalizing layer to the surface. 2. A medical device or implant according to claim 1, wherein the surface comprises a metal, metal oxide or polymer, wherein the anti-infective agent is attached to the functionalized surface. The medical device or implant according to claim 1, wherein the functionalizing layer is an oxide, alkoxide, or a mixed oxide / alkoxide layer. The medical device or implant according to claim 3, comprising an adhesive layer of a metal oxide, alkoxide or mixed oxide / alkoxide on the surface of a metal or polymer substrate, a phosphonate layer on it and an anti-infective agent derivatized on the layer. The medical device or implant according to claim 1, comprising a phosphonate layer bonded to a native oxidized surface of a metal, alloy, metalloid or ceramic, wherein the phosphonate layer is capable of binding an anti-infective agent. The medical device or implant according to claim 2, wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyamides, polyurethanes, polyurea, polyesters, polyketones, polyimides, polyphosphides, polysulfoxides, polysulfones, polythiophenes, polypyridines, polypyrroles, polyesters, silicones, polysiloxanes, poly1. Медицинское устройство или имплант, имеющий антиинфекционную поверхность, поверхность, включающую функционализирующий слой, нанесенный на нее, и антиинфекционное средство, нанесенное на функционализирующий слой, функционализирующий слой, включающий по меньшей мере одну частицу или функциональную группу, способствующую присоединению к нему антиинфекционного средства, и по меньшей мер