Prescribed medicinal materials are placed in a gum mold to produce a chewing gum in compliance with a prescription. The chewing gum can be chewed in compliance with the prescription, and the spent gum may be wrapped in a paper to be discarded. The chewing gum may be made using traditional Chinese medicinal material and Western medicine. The chewing gum may be made using traditional Chinese medicinal materials alone. In a case of using a tree-originated material, it is preferable to use the barks, however, other parts of the tree including its interior parts, insects living in the tree, stems and leaves may be used if needed. Grains, nuts, fruits and the like are made into a dough with chicle, grain powder, and water of a medicinal material, and the dough is placed into a mold to be solidified. The chewing gum may be wrapped in a silver foil paper or a medicinal paper, wherein the silver foil paper may be used to wrap the spent gum to be discarded, and the medicinal paper may be used to wrap the gum around to be carried around by a person, and when the gum is spent, the spent gum is discarded, and the water in a medicinal material contained in the medicinal paper may be ingested, and the spent medicinal paper may be discarded into a garbage bin. When the prescribed medicinal materials include a rhizome, solid parts of the rhizome such as stems may be present in the gum, but they are safe to ingest while the spent gum material should not be ingested.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017처방의 약재를 처방에 따라 처방하여 껌틀에 넣어 껌을 만들어 처방에 따라 껌을 씹으며 찌꺼기는 종이에 싸서 버리며 아픈 부위마다 한약재와 양약을 사용하여 껌을 만들어도 되지만 한약재만 사용하여도 되며 껌을 만들때는 나무는 껍질을 사용하는 것이 좋으나 필요시에는 나무속 나무에서 나는 벌레 줄기 잎사귀를 필요시에 사용하여 만들며 곡식 견과류 과일 열매 다 사용하며 치클 곡물가루 약재의 물등을 사용하여 반죽하여 틀에 넣어 굳히여 은박종이나 처방의 약재 종이에 싸서 은박종이는 껌을 씹어서 찌거기를 싸서 버리고 약재종이에는 껌을 싸서 가기고 다니다가 씹고나서 찌꺼기는 버리고 약재의 물은 침으로와 씹어서 먹고 찌꺼기는 종이에 싸서 쓰레기통에 버린다. 처방에 뿌리줄기가 들어가는 것은 찌꺼기나오며 줄기도 나오며 입은 삼키어도 되나 껌의 찌꺼기와는 먹지 않면 된다.