Хрячков Валерий Васильевич (RU),Кислицин Дмитрий Петрович (RU),Левченко Николай Владимирович (RU),Арамян Тиран Бюрати (RU),Шавалиев Рафаэль Рафикович (RU),Шавалиева Алина Рафаэлевна (RU),Шавалиева Эли
Application to medicine, to medicine and can be used in the treatment of patients with peritonitis.The technical result: the development of a device for improving the results of treatment of peritonitis, and, as a result, the reduction of lethal outcomes. Installed in the abdominal cavity, this device delimits the edges of the laparotomic wound, isolates the intestinal loops from the external environment, replaced swabs, drains the sloping places of the abdominal cavity. The outer edge is fixed, for example, with an adhesive plaster to the skin or self-fixing along its perimeter leaving the abdominal cavity open in the form of a laparostoma, 4 drainage tubes located at diametrically opposite corners of the base of the device, one end of which is outward through additional side cuts on either side of the midline in the area hypochondrium and inguinal areas and are fixed by separate seams, perforated sections of drainage tubes are installed in sheltered places,Essence of useful model. Treatment of peritonitis using a device for drainage, which is a chamber of a polymer film with a funnel-shaped extension at the outer end; the expandable base of the device has a bottom of a perforated plate of a rectangular shape, with a flexible edge stiffener for spreading the base of the device in the abdominal cavity, increasing the drainage area, with x-ray contrast and ultrasound marks on the stiffeners of the base, which allow monitoring the position of the device in the abdominal cavity and 4 drainage tubes located at diametrically opposite corners of the base of the device, one end of which is led out, through additional, cuts, on either side of the midline of the abdomen, in the subcostal and inguinal areas, and are fixed by separate sutures,The device allows to carry out software sanation of the abdominal cavity in the postoperative period.Применение к медицине, к медицине и может быть использовано при лечении больных с перитонитом.Технический результат: разработка устройств