A kind of device of excreta that mainly collecting pet with what, is that can re-cover the paper bag used by one and a flat millboard forms, which can be inserted in the paper bag, and the edge of a short side of the millboard can with respect to what another and be bent. The technical program basic object provides a kind of tool of the excreta with what cleaning dog of dog owner in what, which is cleaned the excreta of dog in a manner of a kind of clean and environmental protection, have smaller size and lighter weight, price more reasonable.一種主要用於收集寵物的排泄物的裝置,係由一可重覆使用的紙袋和一平坦的厚紙板組成,該厚紙板可以插入該紙袋中,且該厚紙板的一個短邊的邊緣能夠相對於另一個而彎曲。本技術方案基本目的在於提供狗主人一種用於清潔狗的排泄物的工具,該工具以一種清潔環保的方式來清潔狗的排泄物,具有更小的尺寸和更輕的重量,價格更合理。