Способ коррекции роговичного астигматизма посредством лимбальных послабляющих разрезов при факоэмульсификации и имплантации асферических ИОЛ с использованием системы VERION-LenSx
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe uchrezhdenie "Mezhotraslevoj nauchno-tekhnicheskij kompleks "Mikrokhirurgiya glaza" imeni akademika S.N. Fedorova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Feder
Chuprov Aleksandr Dmitrievich,Чупров Александр Дмитриевич,Gorbunov Aleksej Aleksandrovich,Горбунов Алексей Александрович,Malgin Konstantin Viktorovich,Мальгин Константин Викторович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to ophthalmology. Correction of corneal astigmatism by means of limbal relaxing incisions during phacoemulsification and implantation of an aspheric intraocular lens (IOL) using the Verion-LenSx system, create before the operation begins its plan with the formation of a high-precision intraoperative image of the patients eye with superposition on the screen of the monitor of preoperative image of the LenSx femto-laser, corrected by additional studies using the Verion system, with an on-line 3D image, formed by the optical system of the LenSx femto-laser. Perform control the accuracy of measurements of all parameters and positions of surgical intervention, their registration by the software system of the femto-laser, the arrangement of the positions of all the incisions and capsulorhexis with respect to the angle of cyclotorsion and the display on the monitor of labels for their application. Carry out capsulorhexis by femto-laser, fragmentation of the lens nucleus, tunnel incision, two paracentesis, two arcuate incisions symmetrically along a strong meridian in accordance with the calculated parameters. Carry out paracentesis opening, tunnel incision, removal of anterior capsule. Perform a standard phacoemulsification, implantation of aspheric IOL, hydration of the tunnel incision and paracentesis. Registration of the preoperative and on-line intraoperative images is done in automatic or manual mode at the three points of these images obtained from the drawings of the iris, vessels of conjunctiva and sclera.EFFECT: method provides an effective correction of corneal astigmatism in the implantation of aspheric IOLs due to the accuracy of determining the static and dynamic characteristics of the optical system of the organ of vision, marking of sections and their exact execution in the automatic mode of Verion and LenSx programs.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмол