Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ярославская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия" (RU)
Николаев Владимир Анатольевич (RU)
A vehicle for the loading, transportation and unloading of hay bales, comprising a trailer chassis platform deck and a bottom, a body with grippers vygruzhatelem and ejector, characterized in that the trailer is connected to the chassis through a turntable mounted at an angle to the platform, the platform is supported the trailer through the rollers and the support track set also at an angle to the platform and under the platform at an angle to it, mounted cylinder trailer control, trailer lock bar connected to the bottom of the frame, which, like the days e pivotally attached to the platform, moreover, the frame of the bottom is also pivotally connected to the cylinders head control, and the bottom line is attached to the valve, to clamps attached body platform, and thereto ahead welded hooks and attached control cylinders grippers with nastavkami at the top between the pneumatic cylinders placed and receiver, and control rods of hydraulic cylinders mounted gripper stops, in addition to the rod hinged roll grips with pins, rear hinged to the body valve, to which are attached the cylinders the valve control, there are pivotally mounted vygruzhatel and ejector interconnected springs, in this case to the ejector attached cylinders ejector control connected also to the valve side of the body is placed the control unit and the signaling, control valve, and the receiver - block of pneumatic valves and a pressure sensor, in addition, on the body, and other structural elements of the pressure sensors are arranged action, and is fixed on the trailer remote controlТранспортное средство для погрузки, перевозки и разгрузки рулонов сена, содержащее прицеп, шасси, платформу с настилом и днищем, кузов с захватами, выгружателем и выталкивателем, отличающееся тем, что прицеп соединен с шасси посредством поворотного круга, установленного под углом к платформе, платформа опирается на прицеп через ролики и опорные дорожки, установленные также под углом к платформе, а под платформой, п