Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe uchrezhdenie "Natsionalnyj meditsinskij issledovatelskij tsentr "Mezhotraslevoj nauchno-tekhnicheskij kompleks "Mikrokhirurgiya glaza" imeni akademika S.N. Fedoro
Baj Lina (RU),Бай Лина (RU),Vasilev Aleksej Vladimirovich (RU),Васильев Алексей Владимирович (RU),Egorova Anna Viktorovna (RU),Егорова Анна Викторовна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to ophthalmology. Method consists in that an intraocular lens is separated from the anterior capsule of the lens after the paracentesis is set through 6 hours of the irrigation cannula for the balanced physiological solution supply with a spatula introduced through paracentesis on 3 or 9 o'clock. Spatula is removed with injection needle 27 G introduced through the same paracentesis, a fibrous ring is separated from the anterior capsule of the crystalline lens and removed from the eye. Further, through paracentesis for 9 h under the posterior surface of an intraocular lens, an aspiration cannula of a phacoemulsifier is introduced and aspirated hypertrophied epithelial cells of the lens from the surface of the posterior capsule of the lens in its central and equatorial zones. Thereafter, the aspiration cannula is introduced through paracentesis for 3 h under the posterior surface of the intraocular lens and epithelial cells are removed in the opposite equatorial zones of the posterior capsule of the lens. That is followed by pneumocompression of the IOL by inserting as much air as possible into the anterior eye chamber and pressing the intraocular lens with the spatula against the posterior capsule of the lens. Operation is then terminated by replacing air with a balanced solution.EFFECT: using the given invention enables achieving a high functional outcome of the surgical intervention without intra- and postoperative complications, without increasing intraocular pressure, preserving the integrity and elasticity of the anterior capsule of the lens.1 clИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии. Способ состоит в том, что после установки через парацентез на 6 часах ирригационной канюли для подачи сбалансированного физиологического раствора шпателем, введенным через парацентез на 3 или 9 часах, отделяют интраокулярную линзу от передней капсулы хрусталика. Затем шпатель выводят и инъекционной