Sibgatulina Ekaterina Mikhajlovna,Сибгатулина Екатерина Михайловна,Sibgatulin Rinat Asfirovich,Сибгатулин Ринат Асфирович,Matveev Roman Stalinarevich,Матвеев Роман Сталинарьевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: at least two force sensors are inserted into the patient oral cavity, according to the number of selected segments of adjacent anatomical formations of the oral cavity. Each sensor is mounted on a separate holder, which is made in the form of plates, the shape and size of which correspond to the selected segments of anatomical formations. They are fastened on a removable splint of the lower row of teeth to measure the tongue muscles pressure on the lower frontal and lateral teeth. To measure the tongue muscles pressure on the hard palate and the upper frontal and lateral teeth, a cantilever in the form of a springing wire or tape is fixed on the holder. The patient locks the removable splint position with the jaws closed. Each force sensor is attached to a removable splint through a connector with a possibility of forming a parallel channel. When the patient reads a functional sample, an electrical signal is read from each force sensor for a selected period of time. The measured value is integrated and displayed in the mean values of the tongue muscles pressure force. Removable splints, holders, force sensors and connector are made replaceable for each new measurement of the tongue muscles pressure force. The position, shape and dimensions of holders are kept constant. Each of the force sensors on the holder is located in the center of the holder or offset from the center.EFFECT: method allows qualitative measurement of the tongue muscles pressure force on segments of adjacent anatomical formations of the oral cavity by increasing the number of points of tongue contact with the force sensors on the oral cavity surface.4 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к терапевтической стоматологии. В полость рта пациента вводят по меньшей мере два датчика усилия, по числу выбранных сегментов смежных анатомических образований полости рта. Каждый датчик закреплен на отдельном держателе, которые изготавливают в виде пластин, форма и