Disclosed is a process of enhancing endurance of fighting cocks comprising the steps of: selecting fighting cocks in terms of ages, weights, and health; acclimatizing the fighting cocks by exposing to a natural environment; feeding the fighting cocks twice a day with fighting cock pellets and slasher at a ratio 1:1; giving the fighting cocks with multivitamins once a week, as prophylaxis against diseases; deworming the fighting cocks with broad spectrum dewormer; bathing the fighting cocks with permethrin to control ectoparasites; giving exercise to the fighting cocks through sparring with other cocks twice a week for 10-15 seconds followed with rest and bath; and seven days keeping before the fight to include: supplementing the fighting cocks with electrolytes in the drinking water, complete resting the fighting cocks, providing with night light and musical sound for 3 hours (6-9 pm), oral dosing with B-complex vitamins every other day before the fight, injecting the fighting cocks intramuscularly with dexamethasone + B-complex vitamins one day before the fight, and dosing the injected fighting cock with B-complex vitamins two hours before the fight.