A Melia azedarach L. or Lobelia chinensis Lour is a plant which contains a variety of physiologically active substances and has been traditionally used as a herb medicine and a medicinal plant, but it had not been reported that Melia azedarach L. or Lobelia chinensis Lour exhibits an anti-tuberculosis effect against tuberculosis in the past. In the present invention, it has been found that a Melia azedarach L. extract or a Lobelia chinensis Lour extract and fractions thereof have an anti-tuberculosis effect and can be utilized as a composition for treatment, improvement and prevention of tuberculosis. The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for treatment, improvement or prevention of tuberculosis, a health food composition for prevention or improvement of tuberculosis, a fodder composition for prevention or improvement of tuberculosis, an animal medicine composition for treatment, improvement or prevention of tuberculosis, and an over-the-counter drug composition for improvement or prevention of tuberculosis, comprising the Melia azedarach L. extract or Lobelia chinensis Lour extract and fractions thereof as active ingredients. The pharmaceutical composition, health food composition, fodder composition, animal medicine composition and over-the-counter drug composition according to the present invention have an anti-tuberculosis effect or activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis, and thus can be used as an antimicrobial composition for treatment, improvement or prevention of tuberculosis.Melia azedarach L. ou Lobelia chinensis Lour sont des plantes qui contiennent une variété de substances physiologiquement actives et qui sont traditionnellement utilisées comme un médicament à base de plante et une plante médicinale, mais leur effet anti-tuberculeux na jamais été rapporté dans le passé. Dans la présente invention, il a été découvert quun extrait de Melia azedarach L. ou un extrait de Lobelia chinensis Lour et leurs fractions ont un effet anti