1. A confectionery product comprising polydextrose, wherein it further comprises at least two structuring additives selected from the group consisting of gelatin, microbial gums, agar agar, pectin, alginic acid, sodium alginate, beta-glucans, carrageenan, glucomannan, guar gum, gum ghatti, gum tragacanth, karaya gum, tara gum, fenugreek gum, locust bean gum, and polydextrose is present in an amount of from 60 to 90% w / w based on the weight of dry matter and structuring additive - to a t he from 10 to 40% w / w based on the weight of dry veschestva.2. A confectionery product according to claim 1, wherein the at least two structuring additives are a) gelatin and b) xanthan gum and / or locust bean dereva.3. A confectionery product according to claim 1, comprising: a) 5-12% w / w of gelatin b) 0,01-0,35% w / w of xanthan gum, locust bean gum or a mixture of both veschestv.4. A confectionery product according to claim 1, further comprising a high intensity sweetener, preferably a natural sweetener, more preferably - steviyu.5. A confectionery product according to claim 1, comprising: a) from 60 to 90% w / w of polydextrose b) 5-12% w / w of gelatin c) from 0.01 to 0.25% w / w of xanthan gum and / or locust bean gum d) from 0.020 to 0.70% w / stevii.6. A confectionery product according to claim 3, further comprising: a) 1,0-9,2% w / w polyols, preferably maltita.7. A process for preparing a confectionery product according to any one of claims 1-6, comprising the following steps: a) mixing the polydextrose and structuring additive b) preparing a mixture c) placing the prepared mixture formah.8 necessary. A method according to claim 7, wherein in step a) or d1. Кондитерское изделие, содержащее полидекстрозу, причем оно дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере две структурирующие добавки, выбранные из группы, состоящей из желатина, микробных камедей, агар-агара, пектина, альгиновой кислоты, альгината натрия, бета-глюканов, каррагинана, глюкоманнана, гуаровой камеди, камеди