A kind of tooth cleaning member, one first side arm comprising a body of rod, separately, one second side arm, installing what first side arm and second side arm end between dental floss and setting what first side arm teeth cleaning block. Use floss teeth space Hou, the tongue fur on the tartar or tongue on facing can be removed in passing using the teeth cleaning block, in addition collocation it need not use other oral-cavity cleaning products, it can simply and efficiently remove swill in tartar or oral cavity, not only it can shorten the time that cleans one's teeth, and with characteristic that is light and being convenient for carrying and use.一種牙齒清潔件,包含一桿體、相間隔的一第一側臂、一第二側臂、一裝設於該第一側臂及該第二側臂的末端之間的牙線,及一設置於該第一側臂的潔牙塊。使用該牙線清潔牙縫後,利用該潔牙塊能順便清除牙面上的牙垢或是舌頭上的舌苔,無須另外搭配使用其他的口腔清潔產品,即可簡易且有效率地清除牙垢或是口腔內食物殘渣,不但可縮短潔牙時間,且具有輕便且方便攜帶及使用的特性。