(b) The United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office, the United States Patent Office. Especially,Current inventions and M AMP; Oacute; N and M AMP; EACUTE; all from Reducci AMP; OACUTE; N de Uni AMP; OACUTE; N De Una composici amp; OACUTE; N de UN composici amp;These include a kind of polyvinyl chloride-AMP; Oacute; Tido and POL AMP; IACUTE; Mero Cati AMP; Oacute; Nico,Residues effectively loaded by fire extinguishers and amperes, Oacute, N. inventions and amperes, Oacute, N. Tambi Amp, EACUTE, N. including an antifouling agent and ampere, IACUTE, Mero Cati Amp, Oacute, Nico, etc. were basically eliminated in the soil.A. A kind of polyvinyl chloride; Oacute; Tido and a fire extinguishing agent; Oacute; N LT; / P GT;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N PROPORCIONA MÉ;TODOS DE ADMINISTRACIÓ;N DE POLINUCLEÓ;TIDOS A PLAGAS DE PLANTAS SUBTERRÁ;NEAS. EN PARTICULAR, LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE RELACIONA CON MÉ;TODOS DE REDUCCIÓ;N DE LA UNIÓ;N DE UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N, QUE COMPRENDE UN POLINUCLEÓ;TIDO Y UN POLÍ;MERO CATIÓ;NICO, AL SUELO EXTINGUIENDO SUSTANCIALMENTE RESIDUOS CARGADOS POSITIVAMENTE CON UN AGENTE DE EXTINCIÓ;N. LA INVENCIÓ;N TAMBIÉ;N COMPRENDE COMPOSICIONES QUE COMPRENDEN UN POLÍ;MERO CATIÓ;NICO, UN POLINUCLEÓ;TIDO Y UN AGENTE DE EXTINCIÓ;N.<;/p>;