This invention manner in order to color the hair, is something which offers the kit and the constituent, having the pH inside range which as for the said constituent, the color based constituent, as for the said color based constituent, at least with the oxidation dye precursive body of 1 genera, and mass standard of the said color based constituent, 5 mass % includes the water at least here, as for the said color based constituent, 2 - 12 becomes And the per sulfate, the perborate, the oxidizer of 1 where it is chosen from the per carbonate, these salts, and these blends genera is included at least, the color development agent composition which is made the anhydrous oxidation agent composition and the substrate vehicle and at least 4 mass %, by the combination with the shampoo constituent which at least includes the surface active agent of 1 genera is included.本発明は、毛髪を着色するための方法、キット及び組成物を提供するものであり、該組成物は、カラーベース組成物、ここで該カラーベース組成物は、少なくとも1種の酸化染料前駆体、及び該カラーベース組成物の質量基準で、少なくとも5質量%の水を含み、該カラーベース組成物は、2~12なる範囲内のpHを持ち;及びパーサルフェート、パーボレート、パーカーボネート、これらの塩、及びこれらの混合物から選択される少なくとも1種の酸化剤を含む、無水酸化剤組成物と、担体ビヒクル及び少なくとも4質量%の、少なくとも1種の界面活性剤を含むシャンプー組成物との組合せにより作られる発色剤組成物を含む。