The invention provides for an improved medical device used to remove gas and liquid from the plural cavity between the lung and the chest wall in both stationary and mobile applications. The present invention generally comprises a hollow needle with a hollow closed end stylet slidably received in the needle. The stylet is spring-biased to extend out of the needle end as a safety tip but when pressured is moved to a retracted position to allow for insertion through the chest wall. The pressure needed to insert the needle/stylet combination through the chest wall is applied by a housing at the end of the needle which is contoured for easy grip. While not being applied to the chest wall, the stylet comprises a safety tip, which makes the device safe to handle and apply in stationary or mobile applications. Further, the housing includes a one-way valve is configured permit only the passage of air and bodily fluid out of the pleural cavity without a secondary structure needed. The present invention is useful in safely and effectively treating a variety of related conditions including pneumothorax (collapsed lung), tension pneumothorax (collapsed lung pressing on the heart), and pneumohemothorax (collapsed lung with air and bodily fluids in the pleural cavity).