An edible pet chew for pets primarily dogs has a chewy sheet of meat based material. The “meat based” chewy sheet imitates the chewy property and chewing function of known rawhide sheet and thus substitute the “meat based” chewy sheet for the known rawhide sheet to form a pet chew. In order to achieve the “chewy” property, a necessary additive is used to form the “meat based” material. The “meat based” chewy sheet is then formed to pet chews with various shapes and structures as known rawhide sheet is. A second aspect of present invention is that, wrapping another member of “edible chewable material”, preferably chicken jerky into the “meat based” chewy sheet to further enhance attraction or nutrition to dogs. A third aspect of present invention is that, instead of chewy sheet, a three-dimensional-shape chewy mass is introduced wrapping or containing another member of “edible chewable material” preferably chicken jerky in the chewy mass member.