FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to neonatology and pediatric surgery, and can be used for conservative treatment of postoperative enteroparesis in newborns. For this purpose, a glucose-salt solution of the following composition is introduced into the newborn with enteroparesis, in the absence of stool and stagnation in the stomach, enterally through the nipple or through a gastric tube in the mode of continuous infusion or bolus every 3 hours 8 times a day: 3.5 ml of 4 % potassium chloride solution; 1.5 ml of 40 % glucose solution; 1.5 ml of 10 % calcium gluconate solution; 1 ml of 25 % magnesium sulphate solution and up to 100 ml of distilled water. Initial volume is 5 ml per one feeding. If adequately digested, the volume of the solution is increased to 10–15 ml. Control of digestion is carried out by availability and volume of stool, absence of signs of stagnation in stomach. After adequate assimilation of the glucose-saline solution is achieved, introduction of the actual product for enteral nutrition, for example native expressed breast milk or adapted mixture, wherein the glucose-salt solution is continued to be given in the gaps between the feedings until the independent stool appearance, after which the solution is withdrawn.EFFECT: method enables recovery of motor-evacuation intestine function with no side effects.1 cl, 3 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к неонатологии и детской хирургии, и может быть использовано для консервативного лечения послеоперационного пареза кишечника у новорожденных детей. Для этого новорожденному с парезом кишечника, при отсутствии стула и застоя в желудке, энтерально через соску или через желудочный зонд в режиме длительной инфузии или болюсно каждые 3 часа 8 раз в сутки вводят глюкозо-солевой раствор следующего состава: 3,5 мл 4% раствора хлорида калия; 1,5 мл 40% раствора глюкозы; 1,5 мл 10% раствора кальция глюконата; 1 мл 25% раствора сульфата магния и до 100 мл дистиллированной во