Disclosed is an invention of cotton lines 2-340/1-422, 1-422/SCM 3-7-3, 1-422/2-340, 1-136/2-340, AFIS 1-422, AFIS 2-340, AFIS 1-136, and SCM 3-7-3, and relates to seeds, plants, plant cells, plant tissue and harvested products, lint, and oil, as well as to hybrid cotton plants and seeds and other plants, cultivars, and varieties produced by essentially deriving such plants, cultivars, and varieties from cotton lines 2-340/1-422, 1-422/SCM 3-7-3, 1-422/2-340, 1-136/2-340, AFIS 1-422, AFIS 2-340, AFIS 1-136, and SCM 3-7-3. The present invention particularly relates to the development of specific cotton lines for the regulation of palmitic acid for the production of seeds having cottonseed oil content with reduced levels of palmitic acid. The cotton lines of the present disclosure have lower levels of palmitic acid content, and allows for the germination of seed at lower soil temperatures than current commercially available cotton cultivars.