FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: carrot is prepared, shredded, blanched and rubbed, the obtained carrot puree is dissolved in water until the solids content of 6% and is homogenized to obtain carrot juice with pulp. Red currant puree is produced by pre-cleaning, blanching, rubbing the berries and homogenizing the resulting mass. Blend is prepared as follows: first, the prepared carrot juice in an amount of 15.0 wt % and concentrated apple juice in an amount of 5.0 wt % is introduced to a cooked and cooled sugar syrup with a concentration of 70% taken in an amount of 13.0%, mixed, then the homogenized red currant puree in an amount of 15.0 wt % is additionally introduced, after which a concentrated pectine extract of soybean shutters with a pectin substances concentration of 1.0% in an amount of 15.0 wt % is injected at stirring, and the mixture is adjusted to the required volume with drinking water while mixing. Thereinafter the analysis of organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of the prepared beverage is carried out, and then, if necessary, its adjustment is carried out. Then homogenization, packing, sealing and sterilisation of the desired product are performed.EFFECT: invention allows to shorten the production process duration, and to obtain a non-alcoholic beverage with adaptogenic, energizing, radioprotective and sorption properties with a stable product structure.2 tblИзобретение относится к области производства безалкогольных напитков, содержащих фруктовые и овощные соки. Проводят подготовку, измельчение, бланширование и протирку моркови, полученное морковное пюре растворяют в воде до содержания сухих веществ 6% и гомогенизируют с получением морковного сока с мякотью. Получают пюре из красной смородины, предварительно очищая, бланшируя, протирая ягоды и гомогенизируя получившуюся массу. Приготавливают купаж следующим образом: в приготовленный и охлажденный сахарный сироп концентрацией 70%, взятый в количестве 13,0 мас.%, вначале вводят предваритель