the present invention relates to a process for obtaining ligneesavian cell, including a gradual withdrawal or total factorsgrowth, serum and \/ or the mat so that the lignees.cells were fixed and non acceding acceding to only just begun, leoindefinitely in a basal culture medium. the invention also relates towithin such cells which are particularly useful for ligneesthe production of substances of interest.La presente invention se rapporte a un procede dobtention de ligneescellulaires aviaires, comprenant un sevrage progressif ou total des facteurscroissance, du serum et/ou du tapis nourricier de sorte que les ligneesetablies sont des cellules adherentes ou non-adherentes capables de prolifererindefiniment dans un milieu de culture de base. Linvention porte aussi surles cellules derivant de telles lignees qui sont particulierement utiles pourla production de substances dinteret.