The vibrator power control button is used to turn the device on/off and also has a seed controller, it also has for battery connectors, you will also need 4 triple aaa batteries for this device, It has more power as well as more seed control it has seed the can go high, medium, or low, and this device is also waterproof. Also it has a moving tube part, it is a air suction tube this helps the device operate better while moving. This device also has a suction cup you can also see were the air holes are located on each side, The air holes are made to fit the pearl tongue just right to receive a silky sensation. Also a more big and powerful motor that controls the entire vibrator from the suction cup to the air suction fan and also the vibrator. Here is a sketch of the button controls. They control the air suction fan, and vibrator. You also can switch to air suction fan to just vibrator. The high speed air suction fan can be used for the soft & sensual feel. The left & right side has air vents warm air comes out both sides of the vibrator for a very seductive and sensual feeling. This is a look at the hole vibrator.I Wayne Clarvoe have invented a new design for a new erotic motorized air suction cup vibrator. The claimed vibrator is like no other vibrator on the market today. I have broken theses steps down so that you can see how this device works. I claim the ornamental design for a new vibrator and the specification contains no new matter.