Control System for Animal Feed comprises an Automatic Feed slider that can move in a desired direction configured to move the feed at a Right Angle to the direction of Movement, and a level meter feed; method for feeding animals.
A feed control system, a feeding system and a method for feeding animals comprises an autonomous feed displacer which displaces animal feed and subsequently measures the height of the displaced animal feed using a feed level meter. Since the displaced, pushed back animal feed results in heaps of surprisingly constant shape, it is possible to obtain a reliable indication of the quantity using only the feed level.<;p>;UN SISTEMA DE CONTROL DE ALIMENTO PARA ANIMATES, UN SISTEMA DE ALIMENTACION Y UN MÉ;TODO PARA ALIMENTAR ANIMATES COMPRENDE ;UN DESPLAZADOR DE PIENSO AUTÓ;NOMO (3';) QUE DESPLAZA EL PIENSO (4) Y POSTERIORMENTE MIDE LA ALTURA DEL PIENSO DESPLAZADO (5) UTLIZANDO UN MEDIDOR DE NIVEL DE PIENSO (8). DADO QUE EL PLENSO DESPLAZADO Y EMPUJADO DE VUELTA CONFORRNA AGLOMERACIONES DE FORMA SORPRENDENTEMENTE CONSTANTE, ES POSIBLE OBTENER UN INDICADOR CONFIABLE DE IA CANTIDAD, UTILIZANDO SOLO EL NIVEL DE PIENSO.<;/p>;<;p>; ;  ;<;/p>;<;p>; ;<;/p>;<;p>; ;<;/p>;