This Chong Zuo Department mono- Seed DIY craft Chou Tan Qi structures, the Guide pipe portions Guide of its Ji Guan Body enters the throat of patient, the Huo that takes out this Body of Move Ji Qu Hello feeders fills in the portions Kong Rod, the raw Negative Pressure of the Huo plugs portions Kong Rod phase Right Yu Hello feeders Bu Suo Let vacuum pumpings Kong Inter Productivity are made to draw power, and makes the Guide pipe portions of Ji Guan Body thus draw the sputum of patient throat Inner, and the Huo plugs portions Kong Rod take out the power that Move is drawn and can voluntarily control according to the demand of user, and patient also can the easy Self-operating Jiang Di Damage Injury patients throats of Jane possibility , Yi Da eases of use and Shi Yong Shu Fitness good the effect of.本創作係一種DIY手工抽痰器結構,其汲管體之導管部導入患者之喉部,於抽動汲取餵食器本體之活塞控制桿部,使活塞控制桿部相對於餵食器部所設真空汲取空間產生負壓汲取力,而使汲管體之導管部因而汲取患者喉部內之痰液,且活塞控制桿部抽動汲取之力道可依使用者之需求自行控制,且患者亦可簡易自行操作,降低損傷患者喉部之可能性,以達使用便利性及使用舒適性佳之功效。