A system for wireless generation of at least one standard ECG lead comprises aplurality of electrodes (403; 101-103; 301-305) for application to a subjectat separate points thereof and a remote receiver station (200) having meansfor generating at least one standard ECG lead from signals detected by a firstgroup (101, 403; 301, 403) of said plurality of electrodes. The system furthercomprises means (100) for generating at least two non-standard ECG signalsfrom bipolar signals detected by a second group (101-103; 301-305) of theplural- ity of electrodes, processor means (202) in the remote receiverstation (200) for calculation of a transform synthesizing each generatedstandard ECG lead from at least two of the non-standard ECG signals, means(400, 401, 111) for discon- nection of the first group (101, 403; 301, 403) ofelectrodes from the subject fol- lowing the calculation, and means (124) forwireless transferring of the non- standard ECG signals to the remote receiverstation (200) following the disconnection of the first group (101, 403; 301,403) of electrodes.