Cosmetic composition s-cat, a series of catonic, anionic , nonionic and amphoteric natrual polymer containing sugar backbone(branched or unbranched chain) of polysaccharide, cellulose, manose, glactose, acemannans, starch,cellulose and galactomannan from guar endosperm,guar amino acids,cassia seeds, celluose, starches, tea tree oil,dill seed oil and kusum
Process, Protocol, technology, mind thoughts, Interaction of molecules and manufacture the S-CAT(E-Cat) class of active polymer from sugar backbone (multiple saccharides forming a large, branched or unbranched chain) of Polysaccharide, Cellulose, Manose, Glactose, Acemannans, Starch, Cellulose and galactomannan extracted and isolated from Aloe Vera, Guar Endosperm , Cassia Tora seed , Heena, Tea tree, Thyme, and Dill seed.