(c) Autonomy, such as C amp, Aacute, CI amp, oacute, N, etc., which can be provided to the executive. In some cases, art and amp; Iacute; out of pocket design allows art and amp; Iacute; hips can be used for correlation and amp; oacute; hips can be used for surfaces such as the surface of the host tissue. 1. The art and amp; Iacute; self operating buttocks described in this document can include one or one M amp; Aacute; woven upper hook surface can contact with the surface (such as interaction, syringe, anchor dropping);The surface of a tissue In some cases, Iacute and smart ass can have a special form and / or distribution (CI amp), oacute, density (or quality), for example, allowing Iacute's self assertive behavior. In some cases, art and amp; Iacute; smart ass may include tissue interface components and / or efficacy and amp; eacute; utico (e.g., CI amp; oacute; n agents and amp; eacute; effective location and amp; oacute; within the body). In some cases, after the tissue contacts the surface of the art and ampere tissue, Iacute,Art and amp; Iacute; self-adjusting buttocks can be set to release one or one of the M amp; Aacute; organizational interface components. In some cases, the organization interface component EST amp; Aacute; is related to an automaton component. For example, art and amp; Iacute; Auto ass can include an auto part configured after exposure; oacute; N on a liquid to release art and amp's tissue interface component; Iacute; Auto ass. In some cases, tissue interface components may include and / or interface with agents amp, eacute, utico (for example,a. The contents delivered to a place or a place; oacute; main body; lt; / P gt;<;p>;Se proporcionan de manera general artí;culos autoenderezable, como cá;psulas autoenderezable para la administració;n a un sujeto. En algunas modalidades, el artí;culo autoenderezable puede configurarse de modo que el artí;culo pueda orientarse en relació;n con una