The invention relates to a bioactive extract with anti-oxidizing action and regeneration, stimulation and UV radiation shielding effect, and to a process for obtaining the same. According to the invention, the extract comprises 15...17% compounds with saturated hydrocarbon chains, 55...56% organic compounds with oxygen, 24...25% compounds with nitrogen and sulphur, 1.5...2% aromatic hydrocarbons and 0.2...0.5% beta-carotene. The process claimed by the invention consists in extracting the dried and powdered sapropelic mud, previously wetted with distilled water, with a mixture of 2:1 methanol:chloroform, separating the suspension by centrifuging, bringing the residue after the first extraction to a pH 3.5...4 with hydrochloric acid 0.2 N, followed by pellet extraction, while uniting the two supernatants resulting after extraction, separating the chloroform phase by adding distilled water, neutralizing the same with alcohol solution of potassium hydroxide 1 N, extracting the residual pellet with benzene, while finally uniting the chloroform phase and the benzene phase and evaporating the solvents to result a lipophilic waxy mud extract which is conditioned.Invenţia se referă la un extract bioactiv cu acţiune antioxidantă şi efect de regenerare, stimulare şi ecranare a radiaţiilor UV, şi la un procedeu de obţinere a acestuia. Extractul conform invenţiei este constituit din 15...17% compuşi cu catene hidrocarbonate saturate, 55...56% compuşi organici cu oxigen, 24...25% compuşi cu azot şi sulf, 1,5...2% hidrocarburi aromatice şi 0,2...0,5% beta-caroten. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă din extragerea nămolului sapropelic uscat şi pulverizat, umectat în prealabil cu apă distilată cu un amestec 2:1 de metanol:cloroform, separarea suspensiei prin centrifugare, aducerea reziduului după prima extracţie până laH 3,5....4 cu acid clorhidric 0,2 N, urmată de extracţia peletului, cu reunirea celor două supernatante rezultate în urma extracţiei, separarea fazei cloroformice