Evseev Vladimir Ivanovich (RU),Евсеев Владимир Иванович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to traumatology and orthopedics, and aims at correction of valgus-varus deformities of extremity bones. At the level of bone deformation, a compression-distraction apparatus is mounted, on the rings of which along the axial line of deformation in front and behind from the bone there installed at an angle of deformation are paired axial rods, which are hinged with a rotation limiter. Telescopic rods connected by paired arched elements are installed along side axes of deformation on the left and on the right side. At the level of the convex part of deformation on the telescopic rods, stretched arc-shaped elastic elements, which work for compression, and at the level of the concave part – compressed arc-shaped elastic elements, which work for tension, are fixed. That is followed by transverse osteotomy with preserving the bone bridge with the periosteum on the convex side of the deformity. After elimination of bone axis distortion, paired axial rods are turned through 180 degrees to block the hinge connecting them.EFFECT: method enables excluding the possibility of recurrence of axial bone deformation and creating the conditions for formation of a strong regenerate in the osteotomy zone with subsequent fast adjustment to the mature bone by transverse osteotomy with preserving the bone bridge with the periosteum on the convex side of the deformity.1 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии, и предназначено для исправления вальгусно-варусных деформаций костей конечностей. На уровне деформации кости монтируют компрессионно-дистракционный аппарат, на кольцах которого вдоль осевой линии деформации спереди и сзади от кости устанавливают под углом деформации парные осевые стержни, соединенные шарнирами с ограничителем поворота. Вдоль боковых осей деформации слева и справа на кольцах аппарата устанавливают телескопические стержни, соединенные парными дугообразными элементами.