Premix obsahuje 0,001 až 38,0 % hmotn. sodíku ve forme chloridu, a/nebo 0,001 až 38,0 % hmotn. vápníku ve forme uhlicitanu, a/nebo 0,001 až 28,0 % hmotn. horcíku ve forme uhlicitanu a/nebo 0,001 až 43,0 % hmotn. sodíku ve forme hydrogenuhlicitanu, a/nebo uhlicitanu, a/nebo 0,001 až 59,0 % hmotn. horcíku ve forme oxidu, a/nebo jejich smesi. Zpusob výroby solného a/nebo minerálního lizu spocívá v tom, že se premix instantního solného a/nebo instantního minerálního lizu smíchá s vodou ve skupenství kapalném a/nebo pevném za vzniku smesi, která se podle dosažené konzistence pechuje a/nebo lisuje, a/nebo odlévá do prepravního a/nebo aplikacního obalu, a/nebo formy, a/nebo do místa aplikace v terénu, kde vytvrdne a vytvorí pevný blok lizu.In the present invention, there is disclosed a premix comprising 0.001 to 38.0 percent by weight of sodium in the form of a chloride and/or 0.001 to 38.0 percent by weight of calcium in the form of a carbonate, and/or 0.001 to 28.0 percent by weight of magnesium in the form of a carbonate and/or 0.001 to 43.0 percent by weight of sodium in the form of a hydrogencarbonate and/or carbonate and/or 0.001 to 59.0 percent by weight of magnesium in the form of an oxide and/or mixtures thereof. There is also disclosed a process for preparing a salt or mineral lick wherein the preparation process is characterized in that a premix of either an instant salt and/or instant mineral lick is mixed with water in liquid and/or solid state to obtain a mixture, which is either tamped, and/or molded and/or cast, in dependence on consistency achieved, into a transportation and/or application package, and/or a mold, and/or to the point of application outdoor where it hardens creating thus a solid block of lick.