The device (10) and manner shallow reading value of continual heart beat with the side head artery makes the blood pressure of the brain and that collimating mark of the blood-related disease is given possible. The device (10) non it is invasive. It is desirable, reading value of continual heart beat the left shallow the side head artery and dextral is measured with the side head artery simultaneously at the identical heart beat time shallow. When it differs from the ripple mark where the ripple mark which is measured from the left side head artery is measured from the right flank head artery, this sign of the impendence apoplexy, or can be collimating mark of the thing which recently stroke occurs. Furthermore, corrugated characteristic can be used as clinical collimating mark of the other blood-related disease.< Choice figure > Drawing 1装置(10)および方法は浅側頭動脈での連続心拍の読み取り値が脳の血圧および血液関連疾患の指標を与えることを可能にする。装置(10)は非侵襲的である。好ましくは、連続心拍の読み取り値は同一心拍時に同時に左浅側頭動脈および右浅側頭動脈で測定される。左側頭動脈から測定される波形が右側頭動脈から測定される波形と異なる場合、これは切迫卒中の徴候、または最近脳卒中が生じたことの指標でありうる。更に、波形指数は他の血液関連疾患の臨床指標として用いられうる。【選択図】 図1