A PTT smart watch system using a biometric human identification (HID) method based on electrocardiogram which provides a PTT service through interworking with a server including an electrocardiogram database, the PTT smart watch system comprising: a plurality of user terminals enabling biometric HID and PTT communication; and a server configured to receive electrocardiogram data and a PTT message from a first user terminal of the plurality of user terminals, transmit the electrocardiogram data to an electrocardiogram database, and transmit the PTT message to at least one second user terminal of the plurality of user terminals which enters a corresponding PTT channel when biometric HID is identified from the electrocardiogram database. A biometric HID method based on electrocardiogram enhances security in a PTT communication system, and allows a convenient use. In addition, through interworking with a health care application in a smartphone using electrocardiogram data, a user's health may be managed.