The present invention relates to a mosquito repellent ultraviolet screening agent, which is a practical and easy-to-use ultraviolet screening agent improving the product size and reducing the inconvenience of applying every 2 hours of exiting mosquito repellent ultraviolet screening products from Australia. The mosquito repellent ultraviolet screening agent has a reduced size for users to easily carry around such as regular cosmetic products, and apply the same whenever they need and contains picaridin to have an improved mosquito repelling effect.이 발명품은 기존 호주에서 나온 모기 퇴치 자외선 차단제의 제품 크기, 2시간 마다 덧발라야 된다는것에 대한 불편함을 개선하여 만든 실용적이고 간편한 모기 퇴치 자외선 차단제이다.