A power injector (10) with help functionalityis disclosed. What may be characterized as a'helpoutput' may be displayed on a graphical user interface(11) in response to a request for help. This help outputmay be based upon a current state of the power injector(10), may be accompanied by a cross-reference to an operator'smanual for the power injector (10), may be expandedto provide additional detail, or any combination thereof.At least one system screen that relates to the help outputmay be displayed (e.g., simultaneously, sequentially).The help functionality may be in the form of having thepower injector (10) incorporate help mode logic (256) thatis configured to allow a user to view and obtain informationon the various system screens that would be presentedwhen using the power injector (10) to deliver a fluid,but without actually operating the power injector (10) todeliver fluid.