It can be used as an effective and acceptable sodium channel inhibitor, its drug salt and amperometric; it can be used as a sodium channel inhibitor. ADEM amp; Aacute; s, provides medicinal materials and amp; eacute; medicinal materials, including compounds or salts of herbs and amperes; eacute; effective and acceptable and M amp; eacute; all compounds, salts and amperes used; eacute; effective and acceptable herbs and amperes; eacute; useful tools for the treatment of various disorders including pain. /P GT;<;p>;SE PROPORCIONAN COMPUESTOS Y SUS SALES FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES, DE UTILIDAD COMO INHIBIDORES DE CANALES DE SODIO. ADEMÁ;S, SE PROPORCIONAN COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS QUE COMPRENDEN LOS COMPUESTOS O SALES FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES Y MÉ;TODOS DE USO DE LOS COMPUESTOS, SALES FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES Y COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE VARIOS TRASTORNOS, INCLUYENDO DOLOR.<;/p>;