A method of modulating a brain activity of a mammal is achieved by subjecting the mammal to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) with an rTMS apparatus at variable pulse intervals for a time sufficient to modulate said brain activity. Improvement in a physiological condition or a clinical condition is achieved. Conditions to be treated include but are not limited to PTSD, autism spectrum disorder and Alzheimer’s disease. Wavelet transform analysis is used to determine the variable pulse intervals employed.一種用以調整哺乳類動物腦內活動的方法,將哺乳類動物置於連續經顱磁刺激(rTMS)儀,受到可變脈衝間隔之電磁刺激,治療時間應足以調整腦內活動,藉以達到改善內科狀況或臨床狀況。治療條件不受限於創傷後症候群(脈衝PTSD),自閉症譜係障礙(ASD)以及阿茲海默症。而小波變換分析則是用以設定可變脈衝間隔。