A nasogastric tube insertion system comprises a nasogastric tube, a guideelement, and an inserter element. The inserter element has a slim, elongatemain body, a handle attached to the body, and an anatomically curved insertionsection. The guide element comprises a swallowable weight attached to a cord,string, monofilament line, tube, or other similar line. The swallowable weightmaybe ablative in the presence of stomach fluids or may be deflated to allow theguide element to be removed while the nasogastric tube remains in place. Theinserter element is inserted through the patient's nasal passages andoptionallyinto the oropharynx. The weight is released and the patient swallows it intothestomach. The guide element is threaded through the guide element retainingstructure, and the nasogastric tube is safely inserted along the guide elementinto the patient's stomach.