A system and method of generating electrode stimulation signals for animplanted multi -channel electrode array ofa cochlear implant includes processing an acoustic audio signal with a bank offilters. Each filter in the bank of filters is associatedwith at least one channel having an electrode. The bank of filters includes afirst band pass filter that produces a broadband signalb(t) with frequencies that substantially cover at least one of a pitchfrequency range of 100 Hz to 400 Hz and a first format rangeof 400 Hz - 1000 Hz. At least one electrode associated with the first bandpass filter is activated with electrode stimulation signalsbased, at least in part, on the broadband signal b(t). The filter bank mayinclude at least one electrode associated with one or morefilters other than the first band pass filter, the one or more filtersproducing signals having only higher frequencies than broadbandsignal b(t).